Dreaming of heavy rain is one of the dreams that indicate livelihood, if its fall does not harm or destroy those around him. The meanings and symbols of this dream differ from one person to another.

dreaming heavy rain

Dream of  dream of heavy rain Islamic Interpretations & Meanings

Interpretation of a dream about heavy rain: If the dreamer sees it from behind the window, this indicates a love affair that he will soon fall into, whether the dreamer is a man or a woman.


If the dreamer sees in a dream heavy rain falling and many plants and trees sprouting and water and flowers, this indicates the abundant sustenance that the dreamer receives.

heavy rain dream

Interpretation If the dreamer sees heavy rain and one of his family members is in a strange situation, then this dream is good news that he will return in the near future, and rain always indicates good events and happiness that the dreamer is going through. This crisis without any losses.

When the dreamer sees heavy rain falling without causing any destruction or loss, this indicates that he will reach the highest positions or obtain a prestigious position and a promotion in his work in the near future, which will make him obtain a decent income.


Heavy rain in a woman’s dream may be a reason for pregnancy in the near future, and if she has children, this dream heralds good offspring and a wonderful future awaiting her children.


Dreaming of heavy rain for single women

When a girl sees rain falling from the sky and causing many losses, this is evidence of her fear of the future and her inability to overcome the problems she is facing.

Heavy rain in a girl’s dream indicates that she is going through some difficulties, but in the case of seeing rain falling in the form of floods, it is one of the visions that does not bode well for her, as it indicates sadness, grief, and a feeling of instability.


A dream about heavy rain can be a good vision if a single woman sees it in its season, but it does not cause any harm, as it indicates that in the near future she will achieve what she wants.

Dream of heavy rain for a married woman

If a married woman sees in a dream heavy rain, this indicates a blessing in sustenance and happiness, and if it is harmless, heavy rain also indicates that some changes will occur in her life and that the problems and sorrows she was suffering from will disappear.

Heavy rain falling from the sky in general in a married woman’s dream represents goodness and happiness and is one of the most impressive visions for her, but when she sees rain falling heavily from the sky, she feels refreshed and God Almighty (and Majestic) will bless her with abundant and lawful money.

A dream of a married woman crying in the rain, and it was falling heavily from the sky, then fortunately pregnancy is about to happen, and if she is already pregnant, the rain that fell indicates the sufficiency of goodness. The passage. And her ability to raise children in a safe and sound manner.


If she has bad feelings towards someone in her life and sees herself washing herself in the rain, she will forgive and pardon that person.

Dream of heavy rain for a pregnant woman

Heavy rain in a pregnant woman’s dream is evidence that she is suffering from nervousness as a result of pregnancy and labor pains.

As for the heavy rains that caused great damage to its environment, the pregnant woman will face difficulty during childbirth, and in this case the dream is unpleasant.

The most important interpretations of dreams about heavy rain

I dreamed of heavy rain

If a person dreams in a dream that heavy rain is falling on him, this is good news that he will get a lot of money, and if he is going through financial distress and stumbling financial crises, then heavy rain is evidence of comfort.


When the dreamer has an expatriate in his family and sees in his sleep heavy rain falling from the sky, this person will return soon, and rain in a dream symbolizes, if it is not harmful, that God will bless the dreamer with mercy.

If a merchant sees rain in a dream and it is heavy, he will reap a lot of profits in the coming period and will achieve expansion in his successful business.

As for the rain falling in large quantities and in the form of torrents, it indicates the many enemies present in his life, and seeing washing under heavy rain is evidence of getting rid of mistakes.

I dream of heavy rain and lightning

When a person sees in a dream heavy rain with lightning, this indicates the problems that the dreamer will face and he will be exposed to many disturbances in his personal life.


If one sees heavy rain in a dream and sees lightning with it, then the dreamer will face a calamity in his next life.

I dream of heavy rain and thunder

When the sound of thunder is heard with rain in a dream, this indicates negative changes that occur in the dreamer’s life, and heavy rain and thunder in a dream in a dream of marriage may also indicate instability in married life.

A girl sees in a dream heavy rain and thunder with her, then the vision shows the presence of a lying young man in her life who wants to destroy her life and appears to her in a good way in order to cause. And this vision warns her to beware of this young man.

If a woman hears thunder in the rainy season, which is winter, then this is one of the blessed visions that brings blessings in livelihood. As for hearing thunder out of season, which is summer, then this is evidence of the temptation that this woman is exposed to.

A man who dreams of heavy rain and hears the sound of thunder loudly but does not feel fear or anxiety will pay off all his debts and get rid of the financial crises he is facing.


I dream of heavy rain and snow

A single girl dreamed that heavy rain was falling with pieces of snow, then she will soon marry a young man for whom she will have all the love and respect, and rain and snow can also represent mood swings and the inability to make the right decisions.

I dream of heavy rain and hail

If a person sees in a dream heavy rain and feels a severe cold, this is one of the visions that warns him of being exposed to illness, and a person dreams that he is walking in heavy rain and cold, then God will grant him success from a wide range and get rid of the hardships he is suffering from in the current period.

Dream of rain and pray

Dreaming of praying for rain in a dream indicates the abundance of good livelihood and the project that the dreamer receives.

Praying for rain in a dream for a single woman is a good thing and the arrival of the groom on the way to her will be eternal happiness for her, and she has all the qualities she needs.

dreaming of light rain

When some people wronged the viewer in his life and he saw light rain in a dream, it is good that he will get his right and take revenge on his enemies in the near future. Peace of mind.