Interpretation of a dream about magic in a dream for, and it should be noted that seeing magic is one of those visions that many individuals have, and it is considered one of the disturbing visions that inspire many dreamers to get an interpretation for it. It may be good news for those who saw this dream or considered it a bad sign. The site about the interpretation of dreams about magic in a dream for.

Dream of  Magic dream Islamic Interpretations & Meanings

Many scholars of interpretation, including the scholar, who did their best to clarify the interpretations and meanings contained in this vision, may be messages of warning and alert to the seer, and in this section we will explain to you the interpretation of the dream of magic in a dream for which is:

  • Whoever sees in a dream that he is doing magic and spells.
  • This vision is evidence that the dreamer is a liar and immoral and is doing something forbidden.
  • Likewise, he must repent to God Almighty, and seek truthfulness in his actions and words.
  • He is also in a situation where he sees magic, and wants to cast it out by a spell.
  • It indicates his continued doing of what God Almighty has forbidden.
  • Seeing a magician on the road is a sign that there is someone who claims to be a scholar, and gives fatwas to people on religious matters, and is considered one of the ignorant people who advise people on their religion and worldly affairs.

Interpretation of a dream about magic from someone I know

Especially since dreams related to magic include many different interpretations, based on the details that appear in the dream, and during this section we learn about the interpretation of a dream about magic from someone I know, which is:

  • There are those who think that someone is doing magic for them.
  • It indicates that there are hardships and many problems that await this person.
  • Also, if someone sees in a dream that there is magic arranged for him by a friend or relative.
  • This magic will also affect his marriage and personal life.
  • This magic is also evidence of the delay in the marriage of this young man if he is young, or the corruption of his family life if he is married.

Seeing magic in a dream for a married woman

These interpretations include in the dream where we see magic and sorcery differently according to the details we see in the dream, in addition to that they differ based on the social status of the seer, and in this section we will talk about the interpretation of seeing magic in a dream for a married woman, which is:

  • Seeing magic in a dream for a married woman is evidence of many problems and disputes that will be revealed to this woman.
  • Seeing magic is also evidence of the presence of a person in her life who is trying to harm her, and God is Most High and He knows that.
  • Although the witch saw a burial in a dream for a married woman.
  • This is evidence of this woman’s lack of commitment to worship and obedience to God Almighty.
  • If a married woman sees in a dream that she is involved in magic.
  • It is a sign of the failure of her relationship with her husband.
  • Seeing magic in a dream is considered a good vision, and if a married woman sees in a dream that she is deciphering the magic code.
  • This vision is evidence of this woman’s closeness to God Almighty, and God is Most High and All-Knowing.

Interpretation of dreams about magic from relatives

It is one of the disturbing dreams that cause anxiety and disturb the mind of the viewer, because it carries many interpretations that serve as warning messages to the viewer, and many specialists in dream interpretation have explained it, which aroused the curiosity of individuals to know in detail, and here we explain to you the interpretation of dreams about magic from relatives, which is:

  • Seeing magic from relatives buried in the ground.
  • It is an indication of the presence of a hypocritical person in the recipient’s life who seeks to destroy his future, and God is Most High and All-Knowing.
  • Whoever sees in a dream that magic is involved, this indicates that a disaster will happen to this person.
  • He will also lose the person who is important to him in life.
  • Whoever sees that his relatives have bewitched him, but he is cured.
  • It indicates his closeness to God Almighty, so that his sins and disobedience are forgiven, and that God is Most High and All-Knowing.

Interpretation of dreams about magic in a dream for, and in this context we talked in detail about many interpretations of visions in which people see magic, because they are considered visions that cause anxiety and fear in the public itself. Their interpretations vary between positive and negative.