Interpretation of a dream about a jinn fighting
The interpretation of the conflict with the jinn in a dream differs among students according to the events of the dream, that the jinn are among the creatures whose vision is hidden from humans as a mercy to us as humans, not suffering from fear and panic, married or single, through the site.
Dream of The struggle with the jinn Islamic Interpretations & Meanings
The conflict with the jinn has multiple interpretations, and they differ if the prevailing opinion in the conflict is lost or lost, it is considered a wonderful vision if the prevailing opinion in the jinn conflicts with it: The following is a different conflict with the jinn in a dream:
- Al-Nabulsi interpreted the dream of a struggle with a jinn as an indication of an internal conflict of opinion between his faith and his faith, and his dream indicates that the dreamer will be exposed to rebellion in his religion or will be harmed by a jinn plot or by the action of a deceitful evil person in his life who wants to harm him.
- If a person of authority or rank sees in a dream that he is fighting with a jinn, this indicates that he is fighting with the corrupt and those who are below him in authority and power.
- The expression of the struggle of the jinn in a dream may be a sign of a struggle with the neighbors who do not suit them from the people of disobedience who know nothing but corruption and who cause problems, and scholars interpret the opinion if the jinn prevails, this indicates that. Beware of these neighbors, but if the jinn prevails over him, this indicates his lack of interest in these corrupt neighbors.
- Ibn Shaheen explains that when you see a jinn fighting with a human being in a dream, it may harm his opinion and expose him to injustice in his life.
- It is clear from some scholars that the struggle with the jinn in a dream may indicate the crying of thieves in a person or in his house, and it also explains that it indicates the struggle with the person himself to repent or get rid of a sin, especially if a person dreams that he is wrestling with the king of the jinn, and reconciliation with the king of the jinn in the dream indicates that this is based on his sincere repentance and his inclination to seek knowledge. As much as possible and reach the level of a teacher of Sharia sciences and the Holy Qur’an.
- Also, a person’s struggle with a jinn indicates that he is exposed to magic, jealousy, or a struggle with one of the haters who are plotting and deceiving.
- There are interpretations that say that watching a struggle with a jinn may indicate the presence of harmful reptiles in the dreamer’s garden or in his house, for God’s sake, such as scorpions, snakes, and others.
- If a person dreams that the jinn whisper to him, this indicates that he sees the jinn and devils fighting him and resisting them with prayer, the Qur’an, and drawing closer to God.
- Also, when a person sees himself wrestling with a jinn and the jinn defeats him, this indicates that the idea may be to gain money from eating forbidden money or managed money, or to show the following desires and commit sins.
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Interpretation of a vision of fighting with a jinn for a married woman
Scholars differed in interpreting the vision of a conflict between jinn in a dream for a married woman. The following are the interpretations of all scholars as follows:
- If a married woman sees that she is wrestling with a jinn in a dream, this represents some problems that she will face in her life, and these problems are often due to external causes, i.e. the interference of other people in her life.
- When you see the struggle with the jinn of a married woman, it also shows the whims of the hateful people around her who want her to destroy her home, or an indication of a thief trying to rob him or her.
- If a married woman dreams that she is fighting with a jinn and that he defeats her, this indicates that she will be saved from the plots of the haters around her.
- It was said in the interpretations of scholars that seeing a married woman quarrel with a jinn may be a warning sign that she will attack a woman who approaches her husband and try to kidnap him from her home or try to create chaos between them.
- If a married woman sees in her dream that she is hitting a jinn and fighting with him, this indicates that she is controlling herself and her desires.
- But if a married woman sees that the jinn are beating her in a dream, this indicates that she will be harmed or fall into sin, and it also explains the reason for her being chased or harassed.
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Interpretation of a vision of a jinn fighting for a pregnant woman
A pregnant woman feels fear and anxiety if she sees a jinn in her dream, whether she is wrestling with him or otherwise, she is looking for an interpretation of the struggle with a jinn in a dream quickly if she dreams of that and I will explain the different interpretations of that vision
- If a pregnant woman sees a jinn in her dream, it is a good vision for the pregnant woman, because it indicates the health of the fetus in her womb, because the jinn indicates activity and vitality in the interpretation of dreams for pregnancy.
- If a pregnant woman dreams that she is fighting a jinn, this is a sign that she is jealous of those who hate her.
- Some scholars and interpreters have explained that a pregnant woman’s dream of fighting a jinn is evidence of her fear of the fetus, her fear of childbirth, or her fear of her companion.
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Interpretation of a vision of a struggle with a jinn for a single girl
The interpretation of a dream about a jinn for a single girl differs if the dream is of a single girl, because it symbolizes her personal life and the men around her, and it changes according to what she saw in her dream. Seeing a jinn in a dream of a single girl:
- A jinn in a single girl’s dream may be seen as a warning sign that there are strange men around her who want to hurt her emotionally or otherwise, and to hurt her back.
- Or it may indicate that there are bad friends in her life who want to hurt her.
- If a girl dreams that people are hurting her, this is an unpleasant vision, as it shows the ability of haters to hurt her, or the ability of a man to hurt her feelings.
- The conflict in a single girl’s dream can be interpreted as a general interpretation that indicates a conflict with oneself, whether in religion or in making certain decisions.
- If a girl sees in a dream that a jinn is teaching her the Qur’an or jurisprudence, this indicates that she will soon marry a righteous man, and God is good.
I hope that I have achieved everything that includes the interpretation of the conflict with the jinn in a dream and that it satisfies you in general. It is worth noting that there are some dreams that do not have an accurate interpretation because they arise from the subconscious. -conscious. Our minds and thoughts, and there is no doubt that all these interpretations are only expectations and that God alone knows what is unseen.